Parks and Schools Directory
Southern Ann Arbor City -- Pittsfield Charter Township


Click on the map at right to see detailed information on parks and schools in that neighborhood.

Areas shaded green
are public parks
and recreation facilities

Areas shaded yellow
are public school facilities

Areas shaded brown
(see Platt and Ellsworth)

are undeveloped
Ann Arbor parkland

Red lines are AATA
transit bus routes

(as of March 2003)

Interested in Parks by Amenity?
Where can you go hiking, have a picnic, or play tennis? Click here!


Data Sources:

City of Ann Arbor (GIS data, parks information)
Pittsfield Charter Township (parks information)
Washtenaw County (GIS data)
Ann Arbor Public Schools (school information)
Saline Area Schools (school information)


Thanks to Sandy Arlinghaus for technical assistance.

Link to Saline Parks and Recreation Link to Ann Arbor Parks and Recreation Department